Saturday, March 13, 2010

studies and a sketch

Sunday, March 7, 2010

here are some studies i did today and yesterday, enjoy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

here's a photo study I did over the last couple of days, it's a w.i.p but I don't know if I can look at it anymore

here are some of the stuff i did about a month ago

enjoy :)

Hi dudes and dudets

allow me to introduce myself, my name is oren dotan, i'm currently 19 and a half years old and i'm currently studing for a P.E degree in mechanical engineering but that's not why i opened this blog, the reason for that is because i'm an aspiring artist who opened this blog to show my growth from now and to the unseen future, thus begins my jurney into the the unknown :), just kidding the part anbout the growth is true :).

this is where i'll dump all of my stuff and studies well here and in my sketchbook on

wish me luck